We are a free archive collection of films, photography, essays, and lesson plans for educators. Through our stories and curricula, we delve into global social, cultural, and environmental issues that impact individuals and communities across the world. Our aim is to inspire students to expand their perspectives and worldviews, promoting inquiry, empathy, resilience, and a deep, sacred connection with our planet.
Experience Our Storytelling
Watch this short video to learn more about the stories we tell
Explore Our Resources
Access our library of short documentary films, photo essays, and lesson plans for elementary, middle, and high school classrooms.
Explore the world’s global cultures through our award-winning films and invite students to connect to what is universal and deeply sustaining across borders.
Our photo essays bring the world to your classroom and explore climate change, ecology, Indigenous cultures and traditions, and migration, among other themes.
Immerse students in interdisciplinary learning experiences with our curricula. Each lesson cultivates critical thinking, inquiry, empathy, and listening skills. Available in Spanish.
Who Is Using Our Materials
Our materials provide opportunities for an interdisciplinary approach to learning across disciplines from social sciences and humanities to environmental sciences. Education stakeholders, including K-12 educators, university professors, librarians, tech/media specialists, parents, and students are using our materials in multiple learning environments.