Stories, Lesson Plans & More
This essay explores the origin story of the Global Oneness Project, the intention of the organization, and the goals of the Project’s free curriculum resources.
In this contest, students will take a photograph or create an original illustration that documents the fragility, hope, and future of our planet’s ecosystem due to climate change. Open until May 5, 2022.
In this project, students will photograph an artifact and tell its story. What stories do artifacts tell?
In this project, students will take a photograph or create an original illustration that reflects the spirit of reciprocity and kinship with the living world.
These photos by Sheila Pree Bright share intimate moments of mourning and inspiration within the Black Lives Matter movement.
The loss of our connection to darkness and to the night sky is emblematic of our deeper separation from the natural world.
Homesteader Jessica Green shares the deeply rooted tradition of weaving and artisanship in Appalachia.