Stories, Lesson Plans & More


These five shorts films follows five Native American communities who are restoring their traditional land management practices.

The Island Is a Canoe

Hawaiian farmers are revitalizing traditional Hawaiian agroforests that are more resilient to the changing climate and provide food security for the island.

Audio Story

In this episode, we meet Julie Girado Turner, who, for nearly two decades, has been documenting and recording her father and aunt, the last fluent speakers of the Kawaiisu language.

The Art of Weaving

Homesteader Jessica Green shares the deeply rooted tradition of weaving and artisanship in Appalachia.


Meet Quechua women weavers in the remote town of Patacancha in the south of Peru.

Recording Kawaiisu

In this film, meet two of the last fluent speakers of Kawaiisu, a Native language of the southern end of the Sierra Nevada in California.

Photo Essay
The Fall of Flint

These photos portray the town of Flint and its residents as they persevere through the water crisis in 2014.

Photo Essay
Waiting to Move

These photographs capture a modern Inupiaq community in Alaska facing evacuation due to climate change.

Isle de Jean Charles

Meet two residents of a tiny island vanishing in the rising waters of the Louisiana Bayou.