Women's History Month

In honor of Women's History Month this collection of stories introduces students to powerful women making a difference in their communities.

Photo Essay
Drokpa: The Nomadic Mountain People of Tibet

Photographer Diane Barker captures the changes taking place for the nomadic mountain people of Tibet.

Photo Essay
Kara Women Speak

The culture and livelihoods of Indigenous women of the Omo River Valley in Ethiopia are threatened due to a hydroelectric dam. 


Five years after filming Marie’s Dictionary, Marie and her family share how they continue to teach Wukchumni classes to members of their community.

Marie's Dictionary

Marie Wilcox is the last fluent speaker of Wukchumni and created a dictionary to keep her language alive.

Lost World

This short film documents the impact of sand dredging on Cambodia's mangrove forests and the lives of the people who depend on them for survival.

Photo Essay
We Are Still Here

These photographs present portraits of contemporary Native Americans.

Photo Essay
Melting Away

Images document the majesty and beauty of icebergs and the fragile environment of the polar regions.

While I Yet Live

Five African American women quilters and freedom-fighters from Gee’s Bend, Alabama, share their cultural and family heritage of quilting. 


Meet Quechua women weavers in the remote town of Patacancha in the south of Peru.

Water Flows Together

Colleen Cooley, a Navajo river guide, reflects on the importance of acknowledging Indigenous land in outdoor recreation.

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